Sunday, December 09, 2018

Christmas Humor

Not better than Star Trek, Star Wars is...



messymimi said...

Heeheehee! Agreed.

Kid said...

Your post I applaud.

Sometime it seems the young people's lives are joined at the hip and depend on Star Wars. It was entertaining but it's just a movie ya know? Gene's Star Trek on the other hand almost always dealt with the complicated social issues right here on the 3rd rock and for that reason will always be so much better.

Jan said...

a mangler of syntax Yoda is.

LL said...


Ed Bonderenka said...

Our caroling leader always seems to have different lyrics sheets than we do.
Year after year.

Granny Annie said...

I am imagining Chewbaca singing and am trying to sound like he would.

Sandee said...

I'll have to agree with you.

Have a fabulous day and week. ♥

The Happy Whisk said...

Ha! Happy Christmas!

cube said...

Messymimi: Glad you liked it.

cube said...

Kid: Your comment, I agree with. I thought Trek brought up much heartier food for thought than Star Wars, but my kids, although very knowledgeable about Trek, went for Star Wars in a big way. In their defense, I have to say that the Queen Amidalla ELG-3A Blaster made for an excellent water pistol... almost as good as as the original Trek phaser. We have both around the house.

cube said...

Jan: Love him we still do.

cube said...

LL: Yes.

cube said...

Ed Bonderenka: Why you oughta pound him or her 😉

cube said...

Granny Annie: lol. That wouldn't be singing by anyone's standards.

cube said...

Comedy Plus: Thanks for participating. I appreciate you coming by.

cube said...

The Happy Whisk: Merry Christmas to you! May I ask, what scrumptious feast do you have planned for Christmas dinner this year?

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