While Social Media Giants Struggle to Police Hate Speech and Divisive Rhetoric, This Knitting Site Just Banned Posts Supporting the Trump Administration
From Ravelry: We are banning support of Donald Trump and his administration on Ravelry. We cannot provide a space that is inclusive of all and also allow support for open white supremacy. More details: https://ravelry.com/content/no-trump …
Trump supports open white supremacy?
Are they serious?
I'm all atwitter about this...
A knitting site has political commentary?
Or bans it?
Oh the wicked web they weave.
Not very inclusive if you ask me.
I've found the left isn't very inclusive at all. What a shame.
Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥
They're angry that President Trump is knitting the country back together. MAGA. KAG.
One site i help moderate has a rule. If you want to talk about politics on your own thread that you start on your section, you may. No getting into arguments when you do have a discussion on your thread. If you don’t like someone’s politics, don’t read that person’s thread. Otherwise, no political discussion, that’s not what we are there for.
"white supremacy" has a very low bar these days. What exactly has Trump done that warrants the charge?
We are in a civil war right now. The lawless (I'll stop there for now) left against the rest of us.
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