The worst part of the Florida summer isn't the heat, it's the lubbers (Romalea microptera). They are HUGE grasshoppers and they like my pool enclosure.
If you want to know more:
The airhead version: The Sassy Sandpiper - Much Ado About Lubbers
The scientific version : Eastern Lubber Grasshopper/Romalea microptera
Either one is just as creeperiforous.
Yikes. You could put a saddle on that thing.
Have a fabulous day. ♥
Sandee: Lol. I don't want to get that close.
They are huge and annoying and i cannot wait for their season to pass, although we don't see too many around here, even one is too many.
Messymimi: The only good thing I can say about lubbers is that they stay outside. They can't wriggle into your house like the two inch flying roaches do.
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