For this Cat Blog Friday...
... a cat who keeps putting it's paws in the air and they can't figure out why.
Here's the story:
This Cat Keeps Putting Its Paws In The Air And Nobody Knows Why
I know why... 'cause he just don't care. 😀
Happy Friday, everybody!
Odd, but cats do whatever they want to do.
I linked this post to Feline Friday.
Have a fabulous day and weekend. ♥
Look at his colors. He was obviously a referee in another life and he called a lot of touchdowns.
Sandee: Absolutely, cats do exactly what they want to do when they want to. Isn't that what we all want in life, really?
LOL, at least he looks like he is having fun doing it.
I'd say this cat is either the touchdown cat or wants to be picked up and hugged.
PS - Love white whiskers on a black faced cat. We had a couple fosters, bro and sis, all black with a little white on their noses and white whiskers. They looked like a couple of stuffed toys. A Really nice lady adopted them - held one of them the entire time she was filling out the adoption papers.
Memories Of Eric And Flynn: Yes, he really does look happy.
Yep, i'm sure you have hit upon the answer!
Kid: I had a tortie who used to do this every morning because she wanted me to pick her up. If I didn't pick her up, I'd get a flying kitty latching on my chest. We started calling it an upa [oo-pah] kitty after how Spanish babies say upa to be picked up.
I love the white whiskers on a black faced kitty too. I've never had one, but I'm sure if I saw one at the shelter, I'd be just as charmed as the lady who adopted your two.
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