Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Shat Happens!

William Shatner has sold his kidney stone for $25,000, with the money going to Habitat For Humanity., an online casino noted for its collection of oddities, called the acquisition "a bold new addition to our fleet".



Topwomen said...

Captain's log: Stardate: Going where no man has gone before, selling what no man has sold before: Beam me up Scotty!

cube said...

There you go. Just like Captain Kirk and his unique solution to the Kobayashi Maru scenario. Always boldly going...

Jamie Dawn said...

We asked my hubby's surgeon for his gall stones when he had his gall bladder removed the week after Christmas. He said they don't usually save them and give them to the family anymore, but he did it anyway. We have two stones in a little plastic container, and we shake it. They really are like stones. I wonder if we could get thousands of dollars for my hubby's?
I doubt it. Well, shucks!

cube said...

I agree. I don't think there's much interest in non-Shatnerian gall stones, but you can always add some glitter to the container and use it as a strangely personal snow globe ;-)

birdwoman said...

I have more respect for Shatner and his stones now.

Lucy.... in the sky.... with kidneystones!


David Amulet said...

I can imagine Shatner's agony as he passed this--and his accompanying scream: "KHAAAANNNNN!!!"

-- david

Tom & Icy said...

That is so funny, "Shat happens." You have a clever blog and we liked your icon! It confused Icy.

8675309 said...

"Dammit, Jim! I'm a doctor, not a-- what? Oh, you NEED a doctor. Okay then."

cube said...

LOL! What a bunch of clever comments.

Jen said...

I saw that! The man is definitely odd. He actually said you could wear it on your finger as a ring, and if you subjected it to great heat it might become a diamond!

I wish I could pee diamonds!

cube said...

jen, I don't think you mean that...first, it's quite painful and, second, nobody wants to buy your stones on eBay unless you're a celebrity. So basically, all you'd have is the pain & not the money.

Minka said...

Shat happens :) You made me laugh, thank you for that. Nic eblog you have got going here!

Sar said...

Cube you are the clever one.

There was another Denny Cran subtle nod to Captain Kirk on Boston Legal. In his rant he said I am The Captain of this ship! I of course immediately thought of you.

Btw, I see you're hanging out with Icy. Very nice.

Jen said...

"first, it's quite painful and, second, nobody wants to buy your stones on eBay unless you're a celebrity."

I get you on the pain part, but if they were REALLY diamonds, would anyone need to know where they came from?

Or, you could capitalize on it, be creating them. They're already making diamonds out of cremated remains, this could just be the next step.

Picture the commercial. A couple is walking in the sunshine, the man is slightly limping, of course, but he has a big smile on his face. They come up to a beautiful fountain, where he pauses, kneels (gingerly) and proposes to her. He opens a box to reveal a diamond ring...she cries and says yes and the visual fades out. Then the voice over says, "How else can two months' agony last forever?"

I think I'm on to something...

cube said...

LOL, Jen, you ARE on to something!
Can I get a small finder's fee? 10% or so?

Jen said...

Sure, I'm not greedy...