Thursday, August 10, 2006

Not-So-Green Gore

Peter Schweizer, author of Do As I Say (Not As I Do): Profiles in Liberal Hypocrisy, writes a good article in USA Today entitled Gore Isn't Quite As Green As He's Led The World To Believe.

We've seen many examples of Gore's lies and hypocrisy before, but in this piece, Schweizer provides concrete examples of Gore's gluttonous consumption of the resources he lectures us to conserve.

It's not easy being green... or even remotely carbon neutral.


Unknown said...

Gore is a Politician...
White man speak with forked tongue as the indians used to say. So just who do we trust?

Brooke said...

A classic case of "Do as I say but not as I do."

How on Earth can he parrot such nonsense if he doesn't really believe it?

cube said...

jill: don't trust anybody's words, only trust their actions.

brooke: because he can. For the most part, the media carries his water & he gets away with spewing nonsense for money.

Topwomen said...

Somehow none of this surprises me, he's a poltician and they all speak with forked tongues.

Sounds like he lives a lavish life.

cube said...

I think Al Gore elevates 'speaking with a forked tongue' to an art form. He's one of the worst of the worst.

While he lectures us on being carbon-neutral, he's using up resources faster than most people on the planet.

While he was VP, his charitable contributions one year totalled a whopping ~$300. So much for his 'caring & compassion'.

He is a despicable person.

WomanHonorThyself said...

Carbon-neutral..heh..good reporting Cube!..:)

nanc said...

cube - you know dayamed good and well we're not as equal as they!

cube said...

nanc: *sigh* you're right. As an elites, Gore deserves stuff more than us worthless little peons ;-)

David Amulet said...

Thanks for highlighting this article, I hadn't seen it.

-- david

cube said...

david: glad to help.

Caz said...

Isn't it funny how it's only ever "other people" who shoud - MUST - take responsibility for diverting catastrophes - and it's never the people doing the lecturing.

Sheesh - I always know there was a reason why I needed to be stinking rich ... and to lecture other people about waste and lifestyle.

Yeah, I'd be good at that.

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