If you've read The BLOG for a bit, you already know Florida is a wild place to live. Now we've got a sea serpent...
Sea Serpent Off Our Shore
Make sure you watch the awesome video of a 7-10 foot long creature that the photographer calls a "living intestine".
I like Cecil!
Me too. When I read about the Florida sea serpent, Cecil the seasick sea serpent popped into my head.
That thing is yucky!
It does look an awful lot like an intestine.
brooke: Yes, it is. The Smithsonian calls it a Nemertean worm, but it looks like it got into someone's steroid stash.
Sometimes I miss my old home state. Let's see could the poor guy be a victim of dare I say, global warming? Just another reason to watch out for sea creatures. He/she is kinda cute tho.
lol Cube,youve got snakes crocs and now this!...scarey stuff for a city girl!..ha
it was eerie - reminded me of why i no longer like swimming in the ocean. that and sandy cracks.
Salt drying on your skin and suit! Itchy + sand...
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!
I hear you. For me it's not so much the sand, but the sharks, the sting rays, and now, the sea serpents. I think I'd rather lounge by the pool myself.
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