Meet Shirley. She loves her Fez. Sometimes she even puts it on her butt.
To watch, go to Pigeon Cam With Fez
The image refreshes every 30 seconds.
I don't often do updates, but I couldn't resist this one of Shirley's chick...

All together now...
You've got to admire the diversity of the Web. Where else would you see rapidly updated photos of a pigeon AND her fez.
I want a pigeon with a felt fedora.
I think an aluminum foil hat would be a nice change.
lol..cute cute !
Shirley can borrow my aluminum foil hat ebuc!
That is too funny!
You know, when you think back to the days before all of this technology, do think anyone could have predicted this is the sort of thing we'd do with it?
jen: Wasn't it Arthur C. Clarke who said that technology that was advanced enough would seem like magic to the uninitiated?
Not even Al Gore could've predicted this ;-)
Did Shirley's eggs hatch? It sure looks like they did...
Yes. I clearly saw a tiny yellow chick."
Pigeon cam seems to be down Friday.
I spoke too soon. Pigeon Cam is back up again.
Why am I the only one obsessed by the antics of this Fez-sporting bird?
Because so many of you have turned your back on Shirley, Shirley has turned her back on all of us. I hope you all are satisfied!
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