You've all heard of the 60,000+ membership drop in AARP membership since July 1, 2009
Well now, from the Jewish World Review comes this insightful piece from long-time liberal, Nat Hentoff...
I Am Finally Scared Of A White House Administration
If he's scared of this administration, then we should all be scared.
First they come for the old, then they come for the infirmed, then they come for the middle aged, then they come for the inconvenient young...
When do they come for the ones who are loud and speak their minds?
Do the math, America.
Very interesting Cube. It is indeed very scary.
Though we do sort of have that system already with the insurance companies deciding if we need what we need, which of course we don't because it would cost them money.
I just need more money and then I'll have good care.
I have some Jewish friends who voted for Obama. They are admitting to being "somewhat surprised at current affairs." Must forward Hentoff piece to them.
..when they come for the Carolinians...they'll have their hands full! Granny has an arsenal down here LOL!
I was surprised at the Jewish support he received. Suspect there's some buyer's remorse there.
Obama may end up hurting the democrat party even worse than Carter did. He has managed to alienate a core constituency in the elderly.
well, if they haven't come for me over the "fishy" memo stuff, chances are they'll catch me on their next screw up!
When do they come for those who speak their minds?
Right now.
Ananda Girl: Our current health system isn't perfect, but there has never been the kind of rationing and total lack of care that we are seeing in other countries that have utilized the
government payor systems, i.e., France, UK, Canada. The horror stories are out there for everyone to read.
Why can't we do for health care what WalMart did for prescriptions?
Let the private sector deal with this problem. Bringing in the government will only cause problems that will be worse than the solution.
Jan: Please do forward this piece. Maybe it will help. Goodness knows that every time I try to get my head around the Jews for Obama paradigm, I get a headache.
Larry Durham: The same can be said of many grannies from many states.
Chuck: Yeah. I believe some Independents are having some second thoughts as well.
DaBlade: Let's hope so. I only hope the country can survive the damage.
nanc: We'll be next door neighbors in the gulag ;-)
Brooke: Uh oh, there's somebody knocking on my door right now....
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