I have a few questions about this study and you probably do too:
NASA Study Pays To Lie In Bed 70 Days
I only brought this up because today I slept in until 8:30 AM. I don't remember the last time I slept in that long, and I only woke up because my husband yelled at me, "Hey, are you going to sleep all day or what?"
I was in the middle of a dream, too.
I sleep because I must. I can't imagine a worse thing than to stay in bed for this long. Boredom and bedsores come to mind.
What about no company?
Yes, i've heard of this study, and a few others where you stay at a testing center, sometimes lying down and sometimes not. It makes sense that astronauts are in great shape, so how they do in space may not be typical of how the average person would do.
Sorry he interrupted a good dream.
I'll pass. Being in bed after I wake up is not something I want to do. Sounds horrible.
Have a fabulous day. ☺
Messymimi: They have to start some place. At least they're paying to see how our bodies would act up in outer space.
As far as my dream goes, it was a silly dream, but thank you for caring. No one else has brought it up.
Sandee: I know the feeling... being in the hospital is the best tonic for wanting to be outside and doing anything besides being in bed.
Don't you hate when husbands do that.
Woodsterman (Odie): Yes, I do, but Mr. Cube makes up for it in other ways. He is a fabulous bug killer ;)
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