If you read only one article on the Mueller investigation, read this one by legal eagle Gregg Jarrett who lays down the law against Felonia von Pantsuit:
Gregg Jarrett: Still No Evidence Of Trump-Russia 'Collusion' - But Hillary Is A Different Matter
I can dream can't I?
Fun Halloween photo and wishful thinking ~ I agree ~ LOL
love and light,
A ShutterBug Explores
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Carol I McKenna: Hope springs eternal.
The link says access denied. Took it down already?
Clinton is above the law. That's what I think. There are people that still think that if they can get Trump out of the white house she will be president. Good grief.
Have a fabulous day and a happy Halloween. ☺
I was denied access too.
Sandee: I don't know what happened. I went ahead and copied the link again. It's working now.
Clinton thinks she's above the law, but it may be a little bit different now that Trump is in charge and knows how to circumvent the compliant press.
Jan: Sorry. I copied the link and it's working now.
My dream is to have statesmen and stateswomen, not politicians. And i’m going to keep dreaming and hoping and working toward it, even as it seems almost more out of reach than ever given the state of the press.
Messymimi: We can't give up hope.
Thank you for sharing good information.
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