Friday, July 27, 2018

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday...

... a cat who has harnessed the power of lightning and yearns for world domination.

Relax. Until cats get opposable thumbs, we hoomans are safe from feline overlords.

Happy Friday everybody!


LL said...

Happy Friday, Cube. Congratulations on surviving for another week and triumphing with super cat powers.

Sandee said...

They could rule the world too. Probably do a mighty fine job.

I linked this post to Feline Friday.

Have a Cat Blog Friday and weekend. ♥

cube said...

LL: Yes, another week, another dollar. We only use Lightning Kitty to collect from deadbeats ;)

Adrienne said...

Until cats get opposable thumbs, we hoomans are safe from feline overlords.

That is a bald faced lie. My Erica kitteh rules the roost with dedication and an iron paw. We succumb meekly to all her demands which are legion. How many times a day do we open the door just so she can ascertain it still works? Or how about demanding food, recoiling in horror when it's placed on the floor (on a bone china plate), and stalking away only to eat it after it sits (covered in plastic wrap) on the counter building up billions of little bacteria?

However, our reward is a mighty and fearless hunter who brings us hundreds of pocket gophers and voles every summer. She is 6.1 lbs (on her fat days) of sound and fury.

We love her.

cube said...

Sandee: You may be right. Our cats run our house. They own us. We are their staff. And our cats don't even have super powers like Lightning Kitty.

cube said...

Adrienne: We posted at the same time. I hear you. It's the same at our house. Yes, they are demanding, but we are safe as long as we serve them. If there ever came a time when cats don't need our services, that's when we should worry ;)

I'm so brainwashed that I don't consider a house a home if it doesn't have at least one cat in it.

Jan said...

I'm living with a cat once again and I'm not so sure about being safe from world domination.

messymimi said...

They know they run the world, and they do it in such a way that we are deceived into thinking our votes count!

cube said...

Jan: You are coming out of the brain-doctrination. Watch your back ;)

cube said...

Messymimi: Oh my goodness... I hope you're not equating cats and democrats. NOOOOOO!!!!!

Kid said...

Adrienne has a cool cat.

We have a few neat ones too. I leave the room when lightning start coming out of their paws though.

cube said...

Kid: Lol. Yes, lightning shooting out of a cat's paw is a bit off-putting.