In the province of Limpopo of northeastern South Africa over the weekend of February 10th., a pack of lions attacked and killed a suspected poacher near Kruger National Park at the Hoedspruit private game park.
It couldn't have happened to a better scumbag.
This is what lions call "A good Facial".
I wonder if poachers taste better? I'm guessing from the satisfied look on the lion's face that they do.
You reap what you sow. Although usually not quite so quickly or directly, but it works.
Have a fabulous day. ♥
Kid: Lol.
LL: I'd like to believe that poachers taste best, but I think the lions don't care one way or the other. Meat is meat.
Messymimi: Yes, and it's good to see poachers reap some of the evil that they sow.
Sandee: Karma, yes! I'm glad to see the animals get the better turn of the karmic wheel for a change.
Here's a deplorable rayciss thought. When they finally drive the native whites (and white eco tourists and hunters) out of the RZA that will be the end of the indigeneous charismatic megafauna.
Some high-IQ, low time-preference group is going to have to keep the first-world apparatus going, and that will be the Chicoms. When the Chicoms come a marching in that will be the beginning of the end. So far as I can see, Chicoms (and Chinese in general) are not ecologically minded. And there is the disturbing Chinese tendency to desire to ingest rhinoceros horn, etc. in the name of "potency"; any road, the remaining rhinos, lions, elephants, Cape Buffalo, etc will be auctioned off, and poached, to extinction. At least local extinction.
Mark my deplorable words on this one.
Mike_C: ChiComs, much like moslems and leftists, ruin everything they try to "fix". Whoa, did I just write that out loud 😉
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