Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Geek Gift

From Thinkgeek.com comes the perfect gift for the Trekkie in your life...

Interactive Star Trek t-shirt

Click on the link to see it light up. This is so cool.


Jan said...

That is totally cool. So is the price.

cube said...

Yeah, I'm surprised by the price, too, It's quite affordable.

AnnoyingJoe said...

I don't think it's Federation issue...

cube said...

Annoying Joe: It's for those off duty times ;-)

Karen K said...

Paging fellow blogger Leticia...

Brooke said...

I know what to get hubby for Christmas... ;)

Always On Watch said...

Star Trek rules!

cube said...

Karen Howes: Hailing frequencies are open :-)

WomanHonorThyself said...

is tht on your wish list?..lol

Chuck said...

For the nerd who has everything

It's great

Z said...

I think I watched a total of 20 minutes of Star Trek in my whole life. (am ducking and running now!)

Patrick Carroll said...

LOL...Yes I suspect that Leticia would LOVE this!

cube said...

Brooke: As a Trekkie, I certainly approve.

Always On Watch: Absolutely!

WomanHonorThyself: Um... yes!!!!

Chuck: I don't have everything yet, but I would still squee over this gift.

Z: I still love you, but you are missing something good.

Patrick Carroll: You and Karen Howes! Now, I think I may have to hunt down Leticia.

Trekkie4Ever said...

I am so buying this t-shirt! Black with neon green! That's an affirmative.

Leticia out.

cube said...

Leticia: Agreed. I can already see this under my Christmas tree.

DaBlade said...

My "phasers" are on STUN! I need this.