Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Speaker, You're Fired!

Don't let your huge gavel hit you on the way out...

From Change To 'Change Course': It's GOP's Turn At Helm Of The House


Jan said...

Has any speaker in history ever had a shorter reign? It did seem long...

AnnoyingJoe said...

I've hated that picture since the first time I've seen it. Could it be more ostentatious?

It's cringe-worthy. douche-chills!

WomanHonorThyself said...

haha hiya Cube..what super duper news eh!!!!

Chuck said...

She's going to retire.

The remaining Dems are going to want her out of the leadership and she won't suffer that indignity.

sue said...

Cube - I believe that each party should have a chance at governing this country. That's why it's a democracy.

Soon there will be a cry, faint at first, but it will grow louder and louder: 'Let us have our country back." (:

Karen K said...

Oh, this is GREAT! I'd like to take that gave, break it in front of her, and watch her cry like a little girl. That would make my day, I tell you.

DaBlade said...

Bye, bye Pelosi! Has she conceded yet?

Chuck said...


Has she conceded yet?

Last I heard Pelosi and Chris Van Hollen are still insisting they are going to hold onto the House

Z said...

Oh, gee, Cube, I hate to gloat.

Patrick Carroll said...

Why am I thinking of that witch scene in The Wizard Of Oz..."I'M MELTING I'M MELTINGGGG....."

Patrick Carroll said...

Why am I thinking of that wicked witch scene from The Wizard Of Oz..."I'M MELTING I'M MELTINGGGGG"

Brooke said...

Even with rampant fraud Pelosi couldn't hold onto her seat and somehow Reid managed to?!?

I'll bet she's having the mother of all marathon hissy fits right now.

Susannah said...

Fabulous! That gigantagavel was just OVER the top. It made me ill...

I did hear today, though, that she's digging in, to stay on as House Minority leader, if they'll let her...We'll see...

Always On Watch said...

Yeah, she's digging in so as to be minority leader.

Let her dig. She's burying BHO and the Democratic Party with herself. A lot of Capitol Hill Dems can't stand her!