'I'd Burn The House Down If I Saw This': The Creepy Creature Terrorising Australia - But Can You Guess What It Is?
It is the Creatonotos gangis moth.
I wouldn't burn the house down because of it, but let's just say this moth and I wouldn't coexist peacefully. In my house, it would be belly up with little "X's" on it's eyes.
I'm not taking a shot at your state, Cube, BUT there are a lot of interesting large and small crawling things in Florida. And every darned mud puddle in the state has (or will soon have) a gator lurking in it. Moths - weird enough, but they don't eat pets, small children and healthy adults.
It's creepy indeed, but LL nailed it for me. I don't want to ever meet a gator.
Have a critter free week. ☺
I don't mean to take a shot at your state either but LL nailed it for me too. I would prefer to live with something small and ugly than various large or poisonous creatures
That is a beautiful bug in comparison to the fat centipede that dropped from my ceiling into my bathroom sink yesterday morning. I will trade you oops I mean the Australians
LL: You can take all the shots you want at Floriduh. It won't bother me a bit. I hear you about the gators. You can't go golfing, canoeing, or even stand by a pond or canal without running into one. That said, I freely admit that bugs freak me out...a lot.
Entomophobia is hard especially in a state like Florida that has nasty bugs galore, but in a country like Australia, I'd probably lose my mind.
Sandee: I read about a woman who had a gator come into her lanai through the pet door, but I've lived in Florida since 1968 and, although I've been close to some, no gator has caused me or any of my pets harm. Bugs have cause way more damage to me and mine.
Jan: Comon, you love taking shots at Florida and you know it makes me laugh when you do. Something small and ugly... that sounds like Danny DeVito, but I know what you mean. A small and ugly spider put a serious bite on my youngest daughter's leg that cost thousands to treat. I guess she was lucky it wasn't a gator bite.
Granny Annie: Yuk. The pop in bug visits are the worst, but I'd rather have a centipede than that dreadful moth with those enormous feelers. Double yuk.
It's scary, all right. We have enough swamp bugs to deal with, plus the gators and snakes and nutria and possums and coyotes. Australia may keep theirs, thankyouverymuch.
That thing is cool. I want some for pets.
yikes. Is there such a thing as concealed carry flame throwers? Do you wear the full bodied hood with mosquito netting when going outside? That is one nasty looking critter.
Messymimi: I'm with you.
Kid: If they ever come to America, you can have my share.
DaBlade: Hmmm, flame throwers can come in handy. (Reminds me of the Carrie Fisher character in "The Blues Brothers" movie). Actually everybody in Florida walks around in beekeeper suits ;)
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