Top Halloween Candy by State [Interactive Map]
2.6 billion dollars (or more) will be spent on Halloween candy this year and that is estimated to be about $27 per household.
I probably spend more than that because I like to provide a nice mix of chocolate and hard candy in addition to an innocent Halloween scare.
By the way, what's your candy poison?
I like lifesavers - the old traditional hard candy stand-by, not the new, chewy kind. However, my favorite flavor is cherry, so anything cherry is a big hit with me. I'm a simple man.
Halloween is important. Kids have a great time and the candy harvest boosts trips to the dentist and stimulates the economy (to say nothing of the children themselves). I'll be out, watching over my grandchildren as they make the rounds.
LL: Cherry is my favorite flavor as well, but I prefer Jolly Ranchers to lifesavers. The awesome reds are, well awesome.
In our family, someone likes just about every kind. My way of stocking up is to buy a small bag of one kind at a time each shopping trip as soon as it is on the shelves. By the big night, we have plenty.
Dark Chocolate and Sea Salt. Peanut M&M's.
I buy lollipiops and dark chocolate. The chocolate is for me.
Snickers Minis and M&M Peanut packets. Only problem, haven't had a single trick or treater in 13 years. Where does the candy go???
Messymimi: I buy Halloween candy early too, but many times it dwindles away and I end up buying giant variety bags at the last minute just to have enough for the trick-or-treaters.
I always buy extra because I don't want to come up short, but the last few years, we've bought way more candy than we gave away. What? You hear my candy tooth talking? ;)
Kid: The Peanut M&Ms are definitely better than the chocolate ones. Haven't tried the dark chocolate with sea salt yet.
Jan: Lollipops? I'm glad I never trick-or-treated at your house. Kids love Skittles, Smarties, Sweet Tarts, Blow Pops, Starburst, bubble gum...
At least you don't give out Red Hots - the worst candy EVER!
Dark chocolate is good for your heart, right? Yes, that's what I keep telling myself ;)
Granny Annie: Lol. You have the same problem we have in our house. I buy the candy and someone (or something) eats it all up before Halloween. We buy more, and then we get fewer and fewer trick-or-treaters every year, yet, it all still manages to disappear. Where the candy goes is a mystery ;-)
good choice for Michigan, though I like the peanut m&ms best. Funny but I don't see black licorice anywhere?
DaBlade: I think you mean African-American licorice.
Kid: As long as it's not RED HOTS! The worst candy ever.
I will say the worst candy Ever was Easter candy. The things that looked like puffed up peanuts with say a purple outside and a white filling of God Knows What inside. Best I can describe that stuff.
Kid: I have no idea what that is.
Number 7 on this page
Kid: Egads! The Bunny Munny Easter candy was horrible, not as bad as Peeps. Peeps at least were fun to destroy in clever ways.
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