GOP-doxxing Suspect Arrested; Worked Or Interned For Feinstein, Jackson Lee, Other Dems
For the record, this pencil-necked geek worked for:
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas.
Sen. Maggie Hassan, D-N.H.
Sen. Barbara Boxer of California.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif.
And also for the record...
Video Catches Sheila Jackson-Lee Handing White Envelope To Professor Christine Blasey Ford's Lawyer
What was in the envelope, Ms. Sheila Jackson-Lee?
Let me guess...some Soros funded anti-Trump shenanigans?
Remember this come this November.
Giving out addressses could make him an accessory to murder with all the crazies around.
They are lower than low. MAGA.
Have a fabulous day. ♥
I hope he likes (and will) wearing orange.
We are and have been at war with the democrats/left. It is said that when half the country refuses to recognize a valid election, then we are in a civil war.
No doubt about it. And these pukes aren't going away.
What envelope? Oh, you mean that? Well, I was just sharing my grandmother's recipe for pie, that's all.
We need a sarcasm font.
Jan: Some of these loons are almost child-like in their lack of thinking of consequences. You don't publish addresses for obvious reasons but they don't get it. It's as though they live in a different world than the rest of us.
Comedy Plus: What's to hate about the lowest unemployment rate since 1969 (I was 12) and a super high GDP. Who hates the financial high that rises ALL boats. Certainly not JFK.
Ed Bonderenka: From your lips to God's ear. There are plenty of favors to be had if you have the right friends, so I'm still wondering if he'll get his due.
KId: They may not be going away, but neither are we. MAGA.
Messymimi: Oh, I wish you could find out that pie recipe because it sounds like it would be devine /s
For sarcasm, I use the /s but you're right, we could use a better sarcasm symbol.
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