After Omitting US Flag On Moon, ‘First Man’ Takes Beating At Box Office
History is what it is. Leaving out the scene where the U.S. flag is planted on the moon is a lie of omission meant to appease the globalists who don't like to hear about American exceptionalism.
I wouldn't watch that movie if they paid me.
We don't go to movies anymore and avoid watching anything political. If it hints of anti-America we're done.
Have a fabulous day. ♥
Plus Bob Waliszewski of Plugged In Movie Review said it was full of bad language that was totally unnecessary to the story line. (He only gave it two and a half out of five stars for family friendliness.) Despite what young people now may believe, everyone doesn't talk that way now and certainly didn't talk that way back then.
The movie i think needs support is Gosnell. From what i gather, the director, Searcy, may have a lot of trouble finding work now as Hollywood didn't want this story told at all.
Comedy Plus: I'd rather watch movies at home. DVDs and On-Demand are much easier for us than a theater. I was looking forward to this movie because it deals with space and that has always been an appealing subject to me. They didn't have to bring politics into it.
Messymimi: Revisionist history is a big problem that's only getting worse. The left wants to decide what you see instead of the truth. They don't get that omission is also a lie.
That moon landing was 100% American, and in compitition with the Ruskies, who I hear crashed on the moon within 24 hours? or something of our landing. Yea, hell with these globalist pukes.
A girl at the office today told me it was Global Cat Day. I told her my cats were not globalists.
Kid: I remember my heart bursting with pride when I watched it on TV. Why these holloweenies
don't want to give our nation it's due on this enormous event makes me want to reconsider whether they're on our side or just saying so. I welcome them to give us their reasoning on the matter.
Like messymimi said.
See Gosnell. Fantastically good movie.
The Canadian actor didn't see what the fuss was about. That's because he's a Canadian.
I won't see the film. I'll never know whether or not it was any good - but likely not.
Ed Bonderenka: I'll wait for the DVD or On Demand release because I'm theater averse. I keep hearing good reviews about it.
LL: This movie will never be on my 'to watch' list either, but you do know Canadians are very nice. You know the old joke, how do you get 100 Canadians out of a pool at noon-time on a hot summer day?
It is hard to believe anyone with enough money to make a movie would be so stupid.
On another subject...how?
Jan: I think they felt that because of this wonderful achievement, they would have an easy,
perpetual audience among U.S. patriots, but then they got greedy. In an effort to raise box office ratings, they decided to also please the global crowd that detests American exceptionalism by not including our flag planting. Even though, in the original mission the astronauts had two first duties after exiting the LEM... to read aloud the plaque on the side of the Lander portion of the LEM and to put up the American Flag.
Is it true that this movie also omitted the American flag on the astronaut's arm decal? I'm asking those pour souls who have already been subjected to this less than objective movie.
In any event, it's good that many American patriots refused to watch this globalist revisionist history movie of the moon landing. I was there on July 20th, 1969. I worry about those who didn't experience this historical event and can easily be swayed to believe the revisionist history of the prog/left.
I'm also out for the same reason. I don't know that I want to see the Gosnell movie either though for different reasons. We are already in 'that choir' and I don't want the stomach ache.
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