Saturday, March 23, 2019

Designing Spiders

Everyone agrees that spiny orb weavers (Gasteracantha canciformis) make wonderful webs...

Let me tell you, they're not so wonderful when a fleet of them invade your pool enclosure.

Flashback to The BLOG Spider Pool 2007:

Loving spiders is a relative thing.


[click to enlarge if you dare]


Ed Bonderenka said...


Jan said...

Spiders, snakes and bats want to be our friends. They can't help being ugly.

However, the enlargement was really terrifying. I would like to unsee that. :-)

Kid said...

Yea, but give them some LSD and see what happens.

messymimi said...

Spiders are our friends, i find them fascinating. That does not mean, of course, i would want to run into a lot of poisonous ones, like the invasion at Sweetie’s old museum. You don’t want details.

cube said...

Ed Bonderenka: My remarks were a lot more colorful than 'wow' upon entering our pool enclosure. More like a long list of invectives.

cube said...

Jan: I can't blame the crab spiders for wanting to hang out by the pool, but they aren't welcome here. BTW you commented on the 2007 post when I actually counted the spiders. I can't believe how time flies.

cube said...

Kid: Yes, they lose their little spider minds and make wretched webs. It's sad, really.

cube said...

Messymini: You can't leave us hanging like that! We will now pester you until you spill the details.