"This is a speckled kingsnake. He is harmless and he kills and eats other BAD snakes. Do not kill these! This is the best thing you can have around your house. So let him be!"
OK, comon down to my house, speckled kingsnake.
I feel the same way when flocks of egrets congregate on my lawn and peck away at the bugs.
Eat up, guys.
Non-poisonous snakes are more than welcome here. They serve a great purpose, like spiders and the bug eating bats.
Messymimi: I love snakes, but not poisonous ones, obviously. Any critter that is a bug eater is good in my book because I'm a bugaphobe. I hate bugs and I don't care if they're good or bad; I'm an equal opportunity bug hater. Alright, I'll give bees a pass because they're pollinators and all, but I caution them to stay away from me. I don't even like butterflies.
I like king snakes. I also like lizards. The lizards eat bugs, reproduce and eat more bugs, especially spiders.
LL: I'm a reptile fan and I especially love lizards. I had to save a huge black snake from my tortie cat when she was hellbent on catching it and killing it. I made sure it got away.
Snakes get such a bad rap from so many people. I love to read posts like this from people who know what they are talking about. Snakes are our friends. Even poisonous ones just strike in self defense.
Jan: I love snakes. We were visiting in Cape Cod at a shop which had all sorts of aquarium fish type-stuff that my sister-in-law needed for her aquarium. We looked around and eventually found a person who was allowing us to hold huge boa constrictors and pet tarantulas. My sister-in-law came around the corner of the shop and saw a giant snake around my neck and FREAKED. And yes, I still tease her about it.
Anything that takes care of the bad stuff is good stuff to me. Eat away indeed.
Have a fabulous day. ☺
Sandee: I'm in agreement. Step up to the buffet, my friends.
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I love Nature. Because I have no interest in trying to control it. Also Bats eat large numbers of mosquitoes. Get some bats.
Longest snake? Burmese Python. Longest verified around 26 feet. fwiw.
It is rare, but occasionally a black snake will get into my hen house and eat the eggs. Then I must dispatch the critter. Otherwise he is welcome to stay and help devour mice, etc. My guinea fowl do a good job of clearing mosquitoes, ticks, scorpions,... Thankfully the copperhead snakes stay at the back of the property in the wooded area. Occasionally if one gets too close to the house my cats will kill it. Yes, I kid you not. Never knew that until recently.
I do love that Adobe snake bite commercial. Cracks me up every time.
Kid: I'm not afraid of snakes, but you bring in bugs like cockroaches and spiders, and I will scream like a little girl. I've had too many close incidents with them that have made me fear their attacks. Florida Girl.
DaBlade: That video is hilarious. I never saw it before, but I'm still laughing...
Granny Annie: I've told you before, but I'll tell you again that I love your farm vignettes because I'm a city girl who is really a wanna be country girl. Where I live, my cats go after all snakes. I intervene when it's a black snake because they're not going after anything I find dear on my property. I have saved a few.
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