We're working on cutting processed sugar from our diet, but there are foods that are marketed as "healthy" yet contain large amounts of hidden sugar.
How ‘Settled Science’ Helped Create A Massive Public Health Crisis
Product labels are worth reading. Common sense helps, too.
Go with the diabetic safe foods. Yes, they taste horrible, but it's a better measurement of sugar in food.
I remember once years ago buying jelly which is like 90% sugar and the label read NO CHOLESTEROL. I think reading what experts say is the most damaging to heath.
Sugar is a white powder like so many drugs for a reason, because it is a drug.
LL: That's a good way to satisfy your occasional sweet tooth, but for the rest of our food, we try to go for less preservative-laden foods and just go for something whole. I don't eat much meat, but fresh fruits and vegetables are big in my diet.
Jan: It hurts me to say this, but I've listened to conventional science for too long without looking at the money flow. It hurts me to think this, but I think it's been dishonorable for a long time. Global warming just exposed the long term lie about scientists being bought for money. That just breaks my heart.
Messymimi: In my freshman inorganic chemistry class I made a white powder drug ... ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID... aspirin considered by many to be a miracle drug. Some drugs are good.
I wonder why they use so much sugar in foods that we'd never even think would have sugar added in the first place.
I'll take natural sugar over the man made stuff. I'm not much into sweets though also. It's been years since I've ordered desert.
Kid: I'm more of a fan of savory foods, but I wouldn't advise you to get between me and a New York cheesecake. The Greeks would call that my hamartia ;)
Yes, and you need to check for sugar in everything because you'll find it. Going back to the old way of growing your own as when I was a kid would help. We just didn't have all the bad stuff. Things are so different now in terms of food.
Have a fabulous day. ☺
Sandee: I totally agree. Check every label because you have no idea where there's added sugar.
It might be as crazy as sugar in a can of green beans. Who knew?
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