Sunday, February 04, 2018

IT Baby



Sorry, couldn't resist.


LL said...

That is funny in a twisted sort of way.

cube said...

LL: I thought so, too, but I can only imagine what the parents of the other babies think.

Sandee said...

I like twisted. That's one scary little gal.

Have a fabulous day. ♥

cube said...

Sandeed: I agree. They don't call me a twisted polyhedron for nothing.

Possemlady said...

Oh, dear! I fear that Lester fellow, aka Rational National USSR has finally cracked from the strain of pretending to be polite and fair-minded.

Goodness, I do believe he was stewed to the gills when he unleashed that broadside.

A person's true character will always come out eventually. I also noticed that Sour Ducky's Here is also not so polite when he is not in AOW's house.

Nasty, smelly creatures, progressives. I hope this means that Lester chap won't be haunting these environs anymore

messymimi said...

Scary and she must have some very interesting parents.

Anonymous said...

Possemlady; get lost you creep.

cube said...

Possemlady: Thank you for dropping by, but if you're looking for Lester or Ducky, they're not at this blog. Last time I saw them they were over at Kid's place.

cube said...

Messymimi: I'm sure they have a healthy sense of humor and a touch of mischief.