Wednesday, February 21, 2018


They call this a Red-Lipped Batfish, but I could've sworn I ran across one at Publix the other day.

No really.

It was riding in one of the scooters...


DaBlade said...

LOL! Watch your toes, she's coming through!

LL said...

It looks for all the world like the Democrat Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and may further suggest that reincarnation is more likely than some think it is.

cube said...

DaBlade: I'd get out of its way. I wonder if male Red-Lipped Batfish feel as conflicted as male Ladybugs?

cube said...

LL: Lol. Maybe it's Nana Pelosi's mama. Oh the horror!

Always On Watch said...

That's a fish?

Sandee said...

Bwahahahahahahaha. I've seen that face before too.

Have a fabulous day. ♥

Jan said...

It does look remarkably like Pelosi but smarter

cube said...

Always On Watch: Yes, a very strange fish.

cube said...

Sandee: Maybe it was a Walmart ;)

cube said...

Jan: Too much Botox does give one the fish lip appearance.

messymimi said...

What a face! Yes, i've seen her somewhere before.

Kid said...

Alright, where'd you get a nude pic of my 1st wife.....

cube said...

Messymimi: Yes, I think we all have seen this sour face before.

cube said...