From "Dilbert," creator Scott Adams:
Four things to understand about SPYGATE:
1) There was no spy in the Trump campaign.
2) The spying that did NOT happen was totally justified.
3) It would be bad for national security to identify the spy who doesn't exist.
4) His name is Stefan.
But this article by Clarice Feldman is about more than that...
The Great Unmasking
Feldman writes, "I'm talking about a different series of unmaskings: Heroes and Knaves, Allies and Foes, Pundits and Nincompoops, Friends and Enemies of Israel, all unmasked by the genius of President Trump."
The article includes a salute for retiring NSA director, Admiral Mike Rogers, the hero who blew the whistle on the intelligence shenanigans. We would never have known of the spying and FISA violations without him.
Clarice's Pieces never fail to impress.