If you watched CNN and MSNBC exclusively, you'd know that the President screwed a prostitute once, twelve years ago and that Russia took over the nation in the last election. That's about it.
LL: Unfortunately, that's the only news to which some people have access. What irks me is that the so-called journalists know better and yet continue to push their agenda. What passes for education these days is regrettable.
I consider people willing to just sit around and take what the msm gives them as too lazy minded to worry about. These are the people who get involved in an election a month or so ahead and watch 'the debates' to inform themselves of all the "important information".
My current favorite sources to use to blow through headlines and pick up what I want are washingtontimes.com and whatfinger.com. I prefer whatfinger as there is always lots of new content and no images to help propagandize my view of the subject. I like wash time because it is inhabited by lots of older smart calm commenters like me (if I do say so) and it's a place where one can learn from the comments. I don't care for the images there but that's a minor point as the articles are mostly informative and supportive of MAGA.
I click on foxnews occasionally and wonder why I did. It's very TMZ-like and the commenters are 98% immature or libtarded.
If you are not willing to dig deeper than what the MSM says, you will only hear what certain people with their agenda want you to hear. That's what i tell people, and they argue with me. Some would rather believe fiction than truth, truth is harder.
Messymimi: I get that treatment myself. I've been called paranoid, a conspiracy theorist, an obama hater, a hilary hater, and much worse. None are so blind as those who refuse to see.
And that is why I don't imbibe in MSM - even Fox. It's a long arduous struggle to unearth the truth of just about any situation.
Adrienne: I'm in total agreement. FOX used to be fair, but lately, not so much. If it weren't for the internet, we'd be screwed.
If you watched CNN and MSNBC exclusively, you'd know that the President screwed a prostitute once, twelve years ago and that Russia took over the nation in the last election. That's about it.
LL: Unfortunately, that's the only news to which some people have access. What irks me is that the so-called journalists know better and yet continue to push their agenda. What passes for education these days is regrettable.
I consider people willing to just sit around and take what the msm gives them as too lazy minded to worry about. These are the people who get involved in an election a month or so ahead and watch 'the debates' to inform themselves of all the "important information".
My current favorite sources to use to blow through headlines and pick up what I want are
washingtontimes.com and whatfinger.com. I prefer whatfinger as there is always lots of new content and no images to help propagandize my view of the subject. I like wash time because it is inhabited by lots of older smart calm commenters like me (if I do say so) and it's a place where one can learn from the comments. I don't care for the images there but that's a minor point as the articles are mostly informative and supportive of MAGA.
I click on foxnews occasionally and wonder why I did. It's very TMZ-like and the commenters are 98% immature or libtarded.
Kid: Whatfinger is a good site. I use Drudge too although it's titles are becoming a bit bombastic of late. I also visit Lucianne every day.
You have to be proactive when it comes to the news because the whole story is definitely not on the MSM.
If you are not willing to dig deeper than what the MSM says, you will only hear what certain people with their agenda want you to hear. That's what i tell people, and they argue with me. Some would rather believe fiction than truth, truth is harder.
Messymimi: I get that treatment myself. I've been called paranoid, a conspiracy theorist, an obama hater, a hilary hater, and much worse. None are so blind as those who refuse to see.
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