Bad Hombres Found In Migrant Caravan Approaching America
No duh. Bad hombres and bad mujeres too, but it doesn't matter if they're bad or good, they don't get to INVADE OUR COUNTRY. Comprende?
Nobody wants bloodshed. They will be stopped, processed, finger printed and put on a bus headed back to THEIR home.
Mr.Soros should foot the bill for the return trip.
The law needs to be changed and an "invasion" can lawfully be repelled by military force. I see the President changing the procedures CBP follows and only allow asylum claims made at ports of entry. Those who go over the wall (or at places, two strands of barbed wire), are identified, and returned to their nation of origin. Multiple illegal entries should result in confinement in the US at hard labor.
Soros and pals should be declared terrorists and treated as such.
Amazing and astounding that so many feel entitled to take what i work very hard for.
LL: Do the laws in situ prevent the military from preventing these invaders from entering the US?
Kid: I wish our legal eagles would get on that very thing. Find a way to export him out of the country. He's a pestilence.
It is an invasion and it needs to stop. The laws have to be changed, but that fight will go on for a very long time.
Have a fabulous day. ♥
Messymimi: The lure of free stuff is very strong in very many.
If they were all Republican voters this would not be an issue.
Comedy Plus: It's an invasion, alright, and it's not just moms and kiddies like the media would like us to believe. There are many military aged men in the group and some are violent.
Jan: I don't agree. Even if they ALL promised to vote Republican, I would be advocating the same thing. These people are INVADING our country ILLEGALLY. They need to go home and work on the problems in their own governments.
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