Friday, September 21, 2018

Cat Blog Friday

For this Cat Blog Friday

... the agnst is real. I know.


Sandee said...

I agree.

Have a purrfect Cat Blog Friday. ❤

cube said...

Sandee: Please don't just say you're a Trekkie even if you're not. I'll still love you either way.

Jan said...

I find them to be mildly entertaining and glad the kitten understands.

messymimi said...

People who don’t get Star Trek boggle my mind. Happy Feline Friday!

cube said...

Jan: I think the kitten's name is Spock ;-)

I don't find the new Star Trek mildly entertaining at all. I haven't watched the last movie or the pay TV Trek. They've ruined Trek for me.

cube said...

Messymimi: The old Trek yes. The new Trek not so much.

Kid said...

Star Trek and Star Trek Next Gen were good. All the other spin offs, such as deep space 9 or Voyager sucked. The new ones don't even entice me to try them.

cube said...

Kid: Deep Space 9 was awesome Trek. Voyager and Enterprise had some good episodes. They lost me when they decided to renew the original crew in another timeline. Destroying Vulcan was idiotic.

LL said...

Star Trek was ahead of its time and Roddenberry was a genius who had the capacity to share his vision. Back when I had a flip phone, I often said, "thank you" - but remain bothered by the fact that I can't get beamed off the rock. Eventually God beams us back home, though. But that's not the same or the point, is it?

Granny Annie said...

I never got Star Trek. So sorry kitty:-)

DaBlade said...

I watched the original over one million times and the next gen a half dozen times each episode. The cat will have to make that face at me for the other ones.

cube said...

LL: Thank you for your point of view.

cube said...

Granny Annie: Thanks OK, I still love you.

cube said...

DaBladle: Thank you for an honest opinion. I loved DS9 as much as TOS, but after that it became too PC for my tastes.