Wednesday, September 12, 2018

No Duh

PJ Media discusses an article from The Telegraph:

Transgender Man Sexually Assaults Female Inmates

It was just a matter of time that the idiotic alphabet genders notion came back to bite the loony left in the a$$. Will it change anything? Naw, I predict the lib/progs will proceed to double down on stupid.


WomanHonorThyself said...

remembering you on Sept 11th and always....xoxox

Sandee said...

Good grief. I'll bet there are lots of stories like this.

Have a fabulous day, my friend. ♥

LL said...

Housing a male rapist in a female prison...BUT WAIT, he's no longer a man. He says that he's a woman and that makes him one. It's very progressive, I'll hand you that. It would have been more progressive if he'd changed his racial orientation to Eskimo, while he was at it.

He'd make a great Woman of the Year. Somebody call Vanity Fair.

cube said...

Jan: I know, who knew?

cube said...

WomanHonorThyself: Sad memories this week. Hope you are well.

cube said...

Sandee: Good grief is right. I don't think we're being told about many of the stories that don't fit the LGBTQxyz+ narrative.

cube said...

LL: LOL. Yes, call Vanity Fair. This progressive gender nonsense is getting very tiresome.

messymimi said...

There is no good sense left in these discussions with them, is there?

Kid said...


Yea, saw this story. Tell ya one thing, if I was in for life with many years to go, I'd consider claiming I was female and do whatever you want to me surgically and put me in with the chicks.