Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco(D) resisted pleas from the Bush administration to declare martial law and her dithering (either because of crass political motivation, just plain incompetence, or both) opened the way for looters, rapists, and killers to prey on the already victimized citizens of New Orleans.
Unlike Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour (R) who vowed to deal "aggressively and ruthlessly" with looters in his state, Gov. Blanco, on the other hand, initially suggested that stopping rampant looting in New Orleans wasn't a priority, telling reporters Tuesday: "We don’t like looters one bit, but first and foremost is search and rescue.”
The smoldering ruins of New Orleans are a testament to Governor Blanco´s poor handling of the situation, and her inability to punish those who would use Katrina as a free pass to steal and kill at will, yet she appears angrier with the Bush Administration than the looters! From this I conclude politically driven incompetence; the worst case scenario for Louisiana.
But the politically motivated incompetence doesn't stop there. Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu, yet another democrat, threatened on national TV to punch out the president (a felony, BTW, even as a threat). BayouBuzz.com suggests that the senator should consider punching out the governor instead, which is only a misdemeanor.
Gotta love it. I'm sure there would be quite a few takers on that suggestion.